The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39060   Message #554566
Posted By: sophocleese
19-Sep-01 - 10:57 PM
Thread Name: Declaring War against terrorism
Subject: RE: Declaring War againt terrorism
Amos, how do you know that "That network of individuals is probably a segment of a larger network, whose common theme is the intent to commit acts of destruction in a terrorist or guerilla fashion against the United States or those nations which have allied themselves with the United States." ? Nobody has admitted to being part of the conspiracy. We have some idea of who might be guilty and therefore some idea of motive, but at the moment its still just supposition.

"Forgive them?" Why not? "Lord forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." I agree its hard to do but it seems a pity that it seems less difficult to decide on actions that involve more innocent lives.

I do not feel that this is an act of war. I think it is a shameful, brilliant criminal act. Cowards did not fly the planes, idiots did not plan it. War is a clumsy and ineffective means of dealing with criminals and with crime. Law working with uncorrupted officials does a lot more.