The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39179   Message #554827
Posted By: Jon Freeman
20-Sep-01 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Ask yourself why
Subject: RE: Ask yourself why
Kendall, yes I believe we should ask why and where possible deal with the root causes.

I am no political expert but I would think that the root cause is the involvement with Palestine and Israel - getting involved in conflicts elsewhere in the world.

Questions could be "do we allow everyone a free and equal voice and take actions based on justice or based on choices that may suit us economically?", "are we really representing freedom our own version of freedom" etc.

I don't understand that situation well enough to pass judgement on it but I do believe that where people feel they are oppressed and being bullied by a mighty country that situations can crop up where it becomes easy for the lunatic fringes who probably have there own agendas anyway to gain support of masses who feel a little hurt.

I really don't know the answers but I feel more thought needs to go into the causes of terrorism before there is any real resolution. It is IMO more a battle that can be one by peace loving people believing in freedom for everone and selling that message to who I believe are the majority of people, regardless of race or faith than one that can be one by force (and as we have seen, lives do not matter to some).

Maybe I'm wrong but that is my take at the moment.
