The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39117   Message #555193
Posted By: M.Ted
20-Sep-01 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: Anti-semitic and inflammatory editorial
Subject: RE: Anti-semitic and inflammatory editorial

France, as you undoubtedly know, is a place that includes many people of many different views. There is a substantial Islamic, African, and Arabic population there (not necessarily the same, but with much overlapping), and their anti-zionist ideas are expressed and heard,, this population is also regarded warily by many, and much discriminated against, even though many, particularly the Algerians, are French citizens. My experience has been that often, people in these communities may(and this seems to some rather paradoxical) be extreme in their opposition to Zionism, but, on a personal level, comfortable with Israelis themselves--There is also in France, a particularly vicious and virulent "intellectual" anti-semitic movement which repeats all of the traditional slurs and stereotypes, but with an academic veneer--despicable and dangerous people, they amount to nothing more or less than vestigal Nazis--