The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8823   Message #55557
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Jan-99 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: Opinons on pick-ups for acoustic guitar
Subject: RE: Opinons on pick-ups for acoustic guitar
The pick-up is only half the equation...thought about the amp? Within the past couple years there has been a lot more emphasis placed on gaining "natural" acoustic sound by BOTH amp and pick-up manufacturers. As Roger suggested, hit as many sessions as you can and LISTEN...then ask. Also, when you find something you like or dislike (either way), see what the guitar sounds like UN-amplified.

I suppose you already have, but if not, check out "Acoustic Guitar." They have had several articles and tests of P-U, pre-amps, and amps within the past year...and if I weren't such a sorry excuse for a "Catter, I'd go look them up for you. As this would also involve awakening my wife (on the early shift), I have chosen marital relations over you K-ZOO. But good luck anyway.catspaw