The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39060   Message #555830
Posted By: Troll
21-Sep-01 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: Declaring War against terrorism
Subject: RE: Declaring War againt terrorism
seed. It has been calculated that about 7% of the slaves transported from Africa were sold in the US. Most that came to this hemisphere went to the Carribean and to Brazil.
Frank, yes, we collect most of the output of the worlds GNP. We manufacture a great deal of it. Is it your contention that we should not enjoy the fruits of our labor?
"How about we help the poor Arab in a repressive regime? How about a process of reeducation so that disenfranchised poor people throughout the world will not feel the necessity to align themselves with violence and terror to have their voices heard? If we are the "greatest country in the world" it seems to me that we have a responsibility to share our greatness with the rest of the world."
Are you suggesting here that it's ok for us to go into another country and change their form of govt. because we don't like it? We did that in Chile and you all raised hell so make up your minds. Either it's ok or it isn't.
BTW, if you haven't read bin Ladens Fatwa, you really need to do so. It'll give you a better idea of where these people are coming from. Trust me, it ISN"T from the old Socialist POV.
