The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39185   Message #555952
Posted By: LoopySanchez
21-Sep-01 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muhammad Ali Speaks out
Subject: RE: BS: Muhammad Ali Speaks out
I didn't mean for my post yesterday to sound like an attack on Muhammad Ali. Everything he said, from what I heard, was on the mark. He seems to support the U.S. 100% in their efforts, and I think he even said he's fight for us if he could. I think Bush was on the mark last night when he said the terrorists are hijacking Islam, too.

My post would have better been used to start my own thread to discuss the small percentage of Americans who just can't wait for the next war to come along, so they can protest it and give meaning to their life. And while protesting the war, as a bonus they get to complain about all other elements of American society that don't meet with their utopian ideals, ideals that never work outside the walls of academia or more than two blocks either side of Haight and Ashbury...