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Thread #39060   Message #556008
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
21-Sep-01 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: Declaring War against terrorism
Subject: RE: Declaring War againt terrorism
Fascinating - Just a couple of corrections and simple comments as I have no answers to the deeper questions here. I struggle with all of it. From wanting to be the first to kill to the first to forgive.

CarolC - you are my hero today. I'll bet you are a brilliant and passionate musician.

troll - anyone coming into my home, without my permission, will put their life in forfeit whether my children are here or not. But with me one is dealing with an old cranky veteran who has caused others to die for their country. And cried like a baby when the "enemy" has caused one of my own to "lay down his life for his country." ( We really don't fight for country - we fight for our friends who fight in the battle with us. My Brothers and Sisters in combat with me at the time. It is a peer related issue.) It is my opinion that a specific act against a specific individual is much easier to respond to than one of several folks killing thousands. It gets blury with the addition of numbers. Especially when I don't know who to hit first.

Amos - Our Security Forces, police of the Air Force, are very well trained as police officers and we have what is known as "Article 31." Same as the Miranda Rights with a military twist. But places exactly the same restrictions on them as far as investigative and interviewing restrictions.

Please don't anyone take any of this as a personal affront - just my nickel's worth of experience in these matters. I didn't watch President Bush speak. I am an American Citizen, I voted in the election, the majority said that this man is our leader/head of state, retrospective assumption gains me nothing so I will do my best to support what the majority of my fellow citizens have decreed.

I oppose war, was part of the old Viet Nam Veterans Against the War in the late 60s and early 70s, was part of the underground railroad bringing folks out of South America, was against our involvement in Desert Storm, but I supported what we did by helping returning veterans with their claims against the government for injuries incurred during service. I know what coming back from war and being poorly labeled by those I represented felt like and the dramatic impact it has had on my life. So I will oppose this war but will support those who must go and fight in it.

Fairly conflictive position to be in huh? And I haven't even got out of my own head yet! So Thanks to you all - read the poem about taking care of friends - and try to see that we are all saying much the same thing - These are difficult times - Peace - Steve

Dave(tam) don't you ever leave - but enjoy the weekend - K?