The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39179   Message #556252
Posted By: GUEST,pete
21-Sep-01 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: Ask yourself why
Subject: RE: Ask yourself why
root causes? history - crusades - colonial humiliation - now western culture - Macdonalds and Coke, sex in entertainment and advertising - all coming from the west. they may be offended by sex in advertising but they are also offended by couples holding hands in public even if they are man and wife. Of course when a western woman was gang raped in an Islamic country recently they threw her in jail (I dont know the details but this was in the news) for because she was wearing clothes that encouraged her attack. Why are they not offended by that? why are they not offended by the practice of female circumcision (which is not condoned by any religion) but is a custom in some Middle Eastern countries. Stoning of women who commit adultery. on the other hand a fellow I knew recounted a scene in a Bangkok hotel when he witnessed a young girl running naked screaming down the hall being chased by a fat arab. I guess Allah wasnt watching, as when the hijackers boozed up in a bar prior to the terror attacks. SOme of these guys believe that Islam must conquer the world (the Al Badr organization) which funds the terrorist training camps in Pakistan. They see the west as evil, I dont think it really matters if America were to change its foreign policy, its support of Israel, it would still be a target for what it represents. Look at the idiots in pakistan demonstrating against the govt giving support to US. Bin Laden the hero america the Satan. Even the actions of the Palestinians dancing in the streets and handing out candy and dessert indicate just how warped many of their belief systems are, and how easy it is to keep ignorant or uneducated people in the dark. (and folks this wasnt just a few kids - and a couple of adults - Arafat (after giving blood in sympathy for US) ordered to seize other videos (by AP journalists) of thousands of people dancing with Palestinian police) Associated Press caved in after its Journalists were threatened.

Ask your self why? you might as well ask a murderer or psychopath why he thinks the way he does. its more important to shut them down. Through covert means, ie. learn from the Mossad get their leaders with rocket attacks, planted bombs etc. Any mullah or religious leader advocating death of Americans or other westerners should be himself silenced. Then they might get it.