The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39179   Message #556588
Posted By: kendall
22-Sep-01 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: Ask yourself why
Subject: RE: Ask yourself why
Pete, that's just the kind of drum beating, flag waving jingoistic crap that got us hated in the first place. I am in no way condoning what they did. I AM saying, in their minds, they had good reason. Will we ever learn? I doubt it, as long as we suffer from testosterone poisoning, we will go to war. We have the biggist supply of weapons in the world. Do you really think we can blast them out of existence? Read some history Mate. Killing for peace is like balling for chastity. It just dont work. About that pile of weapons...when the only tool you have is a hammer, then, every problem looks like a nail.