The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39297   Message #557224
Posted By: 53
23-Sep-01 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Speech II
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Speech II
I have read most of the comments in this thread -parts I & II. I was very pleased with Amos' comments on Bush's speech. and with some others. But there seems dissension amoung the comments.

Someone who voted for R. Nader and did not like Bush said that Bush 'spoke for him' in the speech. He has been personnally touched by the events because he lost loved ones. I do not think those of us who were spared a 'personal' touch, (just because our loved ones were not on those particular flights or in those buildings) need to feel any less personally touched. We need to remember it could just as easily have been OUR cousins, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, friend.... For WE are The United States of America. Let's stand united!!

I did vote for Bush. I was very impressed with the speech and saw that he spoke from his heart. I do not think that his decision was easy or rash. I think it was an informed decision and still is being studied and much work is going on in preparation for what MUST be done.

He made clear that his message was not only to Americans - but to the world. I was pleased to see Tony Blair there to back him. He has given his advise and offered his aid. I do think we should stand behind him, as Americans, and think carefully as citizens of whatever country you are in. All who don't want to be terrorized need to understand that this will NOT go away if we don't do something. We need to remember that the price of freedom is not cheap. It never has been.

Following the news closely after the events of 9/11, I have experienced a series of emotions. But my heart was truly broken when I saw anti-war marches in the news. These will do more to divide this great country than the terrorists' attacks did. For they seemed to bring a unity this country needs.

I say, let's support our president, with our prayers and in whatever way we can. Let's NOT let the terrorists take away the liberty our forefathers willingly paid for with great sacrifice and bloodshed!!
