The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39334   Message #557367
Posted By: GUEST
23-Sep-01 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: harmonica hygeine
Subject: harmonica hygeine
Do any of you serious or even part-time harmonica players (like me) have problems with keeping your harps clean? I've managed to get the odd throat/nasal infection from time-to-time, when I dislodge a bit of old "stuff' from the reeds while drawing in. That is, an old bit of dust and saliva soaked slim that had been stuck (small as it may be) can be sucked hard against the back of my throat while playing - and IF that happens, the next few days I will usually end up fighting some sort of low level infection.

Am I just being a hypocondriac, or does this sort of thing happen to any of y'all, too?