The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39297   Message #557457
Posted By: robomatic
24-Sep-01 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Speech II
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Speech II
Sub-title: Time to Give War a Chance

I am a registered Democrat who felt pretty low after the election, and I'm not totally at ease with the Prez we've now got, but he IS the Prez we've now got and he has a team that says all the right things. Now we'll find out if the American mind for tackling hard tasks has retained its ability to innovate.

I think the Afghani people have been enslaved and brutalized by these Taliban thug-mullahs and we have been empowered to tackle the bastards. Maybe we could enlist the Vietnamese as advisers, after all they liberated Cambodia from the Khmer Rouge and fought off the Chinese, pretty impressive accomplishment. Realistically, we have to entrain enough locals on our side to get this done. The how of it will be quite interesting. The fact that Afghanistan has been a graveyard of British and Russian military pretensions in the past is a factor to consider, but this is now, and history does not have to repeat itself unless you are ignorant of it.

I don't understand how people can be marching for peace at a time like this. We did not start this thing but we will finish it, and THEN we'll talk peace, hopefully shape it. We did a decent job with Japan in the 40's but it didn't happen overnight.

Bush delivered a good speech and delivered it well. We'll soon see if there is reality behind the rhetoric. (I think he's learned to avoid the word 'crusade' by now).