The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39179   Message #557468
Posted By: Crazy Eddie
24-Sep-01 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Ask yourself why
Subject: RE: Ask yourself why
Kendall, 21 Sep. 09.15. PM
"I believe that women everywhere have the right to be equal with men, but, am I right? Most western nation people would agree, most Moslim countries would disagree. Now what? Who is to be the final judge?"

GOD of course. And according to MY interpretation (which is the only true interpretation, all others being mistaken at best, heretical & Satanic at worst) of MY Holy Book (which is the only true HOLY BOOK, all others being mistaken at best, heretical & Satanic at worst).

made the whole question very clear through his prophet(s) (Who was/were Divinely Inspired), not only is there no need to discuss it further, it would be extremely sinful to do so.

Indeed, if anyone persists in disagreeing with me, after I've brought them the true word of GOD, I may have to kill them for their own good.

Strange really, when you consider that these days, we either medicate, or lock up, people who hear voices in their heads.