The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8715   Message #55767
Posted By: Bill D
26-Jan-99 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat's Future
Subject: RE: Mudcat's Future
I have been mulling Will's post for several days, and I know exactly what he DOES get tedious to have the same discussions over & over...but it seems to me, that if we do not have those discussions, the answer will be, by default, that anything goes....and then we will have lost our focus..(sure, that would not happen overnight, but neither did the environmental crisis).

I also get tired of discussions and arguments about 'freedom' 'equality' 'censorship'...etc..but they will surely be eroded by carelessness and those with other agendas if we are not careful... to those who say.."oh, lets just be open and friendly and 'welcome a wide range of questions and discussions.', I reply, "ok, we already DO that..folk music has a fairly wide sweep of issues...let's just be very careful about adding in ANYONES notion of 'wide'....

would I rather just post songs and talk joke about those songs and the people who who post & sing them? sure...and I shall do just that for the most part *smile*..

*shoving the soapbox into the corner and going off to download some lyrics I want to know by this Friday ...*