Here's the mid2text of the round I posted the other day ("Every Life" -- repeated here without the typos). I've tried singing it as a round (with the computer singing the other parts in midi ;-)), and it's a challenge, but the rhythm and harmonies are surprising -- almost dance-y.
Timebase: 192
Text: By Ann Magill
Copyright: Copyright © 2001 by Ann Magill
Tempo: 130 (461538 microsec/crotchet)
Key: C
TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
0096 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0336 0 62 000 0048 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0624 0 65 000 0144 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 69 110 0336 0 69 000 0048 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 65 110 0336 0 65 000 0048 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 60 110 0336 0 60 000 0048 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 67 110 0160 0 67 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 65 110 0160 0 65 000 0032 1 60 110 0160 0 60 000 0032 1 59 110 0160 0 59 000 0032 1 57 110 0478 0 57 000
EndThis program is worth the effort of learning it.
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ABC format:
Ann Magill
Ev'ry life: a tale to tale -- *all those songs to sing! *For ev'ry hero yet *unsung, we'll help Love and *Freedom spread their wings.
(note: The asterisks mark where each new part enters. If you want to layer the midi tracks to hear how it sounds as a round, each line is two measures long)
CapriUni (Ann Magill)