The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39309   Message #558957
Posted By: MAG
26-Sep-01 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
Subject: RE: What is your favourite acoustic guitar?
How come it's the guys who wax eloquent about their guitars?

I'm not in your league as a guitarist but we have to balance this a little!

I played only my Tak for 25+ years. I was shopping for something smaller, as my rt. shoulder froze up all the time. I fell in love at Folklife Festival '99, and put my David Webber OO on layaway with guitar emporium in Seattle. It happens to be very pretty, which isn't why I fell in love with it -- it practically plays itself. I haven't touched the Tak since picking up the Webber for my birthday 2 years ago. The bright sound blends well with the contra band I play in. It doesn't reproach me for not practicing more when I do pull it out just for myself. It's got that crisp quality someone mentioned above. I'm a happy monogamous guitar owner.