The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8791   Message #55939
Posted By: Bert
27-Jan-99 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Singer-Songwriters: A Defence.
Subject: RE: Singer-Songwriters: A Defence.
Hi, It's Bert again, just had a few days in bed with Flu so don't come too close.

I think it's a little like paying for a trip to see the Giant Redwoods and finishing up at a Christmas Tree Farm.
I like all trees, but sometimes there is something special about the old ones.

Shambles, No I don't have a song about 'listening', I think I'm too self centred for that. I do have one about an argument between an established couple though... Don't make her choose A song for every occasion? Not really, It's just that I can't resist an opportunity to plug a song.

Also, I think there is a difference between listening to singer/songwriters doing their best, and paying to hear so-called professionals turn out a load of drivel.

For example, there is a fairly well known group (I won't say who or even how many in the group) in this area, Good musicians - good singers but after sitting through a whole concert I cannot recall even one song they sang.

Perhaps I'm too demanding but I like to leave a concert humming at least one tune.

As far as it being folk or not there are some songwriters who are turning out stuff which if it isn't folk it is very close to it. Listen to Allen Damron's 'Come to the Bower' and Cheryl Wheeler's 'Potato song'.

I guess we can't all be as good as that.

Bert, who's head is still a bit foggy.