The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25798   Message #559812
Posted By: Greyeyes
27-Sep-01 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: Halloween Songs [2]
Subject: RE: BS: Halloween Songs
It is not entirely true that Halloween is not celebrated in England. Trick or Treating has become more popular in recent years, but in my childhood, (early seventies), we always had a Halloween party, with special food and games, particularly bobbing for apples. It is sad to see the English way of celebrating these old festivals gradually dying out and being replaced by American style activities, but that's globalisation at work. Guy Fawkes night is not a big event in the calendar of English Catholics.

Bit of a non-musical diversion:

I went to a boarding school in Devon called Allhallows, which not surprisingly was pretty big on Halloween. In the C19, before the school moved there, a cargo ship laden with marble was wrecked on Halloween on the coast below the cliffs on which the school perched. The master of the big house later gained salvage rights to the ship and its cargo and built a great marble staircase in the house. The ghost of the ship's captain was said to walk up the cliff path into the house every year on Allhallow's Eve. The 6th form boys used to collect sacks of seaweed from the beach every year and at dead of night spread it in the entrance to what we called the Main School, along the corridor and up the marble staircase. The trail disappeared outside the Headmaster's study on the upstairs corridor. It was all very Harry Potter looking back on it.