The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39297   Message #560182
Posted By: InOBU
27-Sep-01 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Speech II
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's Speech II
Hiya gang... This was such a long thread, and I have to get ready for a rehersal, so if this has been said, forgive me, but it seems rather obvious. We seem to be adopting the Israli modle of hit back harder than you were hit, and well, I suppose that is a good idea if you want NYC to be as safe as Hebron. Let's face it all the internal security and military responce does not seem to have stoped terror in Israel. Maybe, being the clever nation we are, we can think of a better way. And, as we tell the world that we are the only nation with good govenment and liberty, don't you think we are intelligent enough to come up with a solution, like getting rid of anonimous banking. Bush says uncover Ben Ladin's bucks, I say, get rid of the banking practices that make criminals able to hide their money, of course with the Bush brothers unique banking and investment history, that idea may not be worth the loss of well... six thousand lives?
Cheers Larry