The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39338   Message #561575
Posted By: Skeptic
29-Sep-01 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: National I.D. Card
Subject: RE: National I.D. Card
Details of how ID cards (or some of the other measures under consideration) will stop, or even limit, potential terrorist attacks have been lacking. Before doing anything just to look like we are doing something, we need to carefully look at benefits and consequences.

For those who don't think it can happen, look at Philadelphia under Frank Rizzo in which government, police and the Courts joined in a "gentlemen's agreement" to cover up a long list of abuses, all in the name of public safety.

I am cynical enough to think we won't but by going on record I'll at least get to say "Told you so". Always assuming forums like Mudcat aren't labeled as hotbeds of subversions and censored. For national security, of course.


The FBI didn't even bother to much with whether someone was doing something illegal or not. They used the information on anyone who disagreed with their view of America. I had friends who finally figured out why they had trouble getting jobs and promotions. The common denominator was involvement in the anti-war movement. Using the information was an unofficial policy apparently condoned by others in government.


We are so use to so many freedoms and some of which might have to be compromised if we are to make our country safe

That may be true. Maybe it would be a little less ominous if restrictions on civil liberties (as opposed to some inconveniences which have nothing to do with civil rights) were the last option looked at, rather than the first.

