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Thread #39565   Message #562105
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Sep-01 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: War Strategy &Tactics: Part Two
Subject: RE: War Strategy&Tactics: Part Two
The generalised notion of a "war on evil" in the world is a fascinating concept...there is no doubt a target on every block and in every hamlet of every country on the planet.

The most efficient way of waging such a war, however, would be to return each missile, bomb, and bullet fired directly onto the heads of those who gave the firing order (at the highest level, and thence on down to the fool with his finger on the trigger)...instant karma.

It would only take a few days or possibly a few weeks of this to eliminate most of the really bloodthirsty and vengeful people on the planet, and then the rest of us could get back to normal, peaceful life and start cooperating to each other's mutual benefit. In fact, under such a system, you could arm violent people to the teeth, and they would handily destroy themselves toot sweet!

Alas, we have not the means to put such a program into effect, short of an enormous all-encompassing act of God, and God (being the ultimate democrat...or, if you prefer...being non-existant) prefers to let us use our own free will and figure these things out in our own good time. For what is free will if not allowed to remain free?

Thus is spiritual evolution served in its slow and quiet fashion.

Not nearly fast enough for people as impatient as most of us are...

I'd discuss tactics vis-a-vis subduing Afghanistan, but I'm not into rearranging deck chairs one more time on the Titanic at this point.

- LH