The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38311   Message #562184
Posted By: Guy Wolff
30-Sep-01 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: Guy Wolff in Northern England !!!
Subject: RE: Guy Wolff in Northern England !!!
Well here is an update!!!We are taking the plane on November 1st so we will be in Manchester on the 2nd.. I hope to see and play with as many who want to make some music and have some fun at cultural exchangeing !!! Eric MR Viking??? Is the Selby Wed. night thing still going?? I hope so. As always I am up in the air as to where to start. Probably to York first or Ripon.I realy could stay a couple of days at Fountain's Abby alone I love it so much. We will see how the first day goes!!! We are all very excited to come.. I hope bringing guitars and Banjos isnt to hard for JFK airport or British Air. Should we bring SKIS it will be Novmeber after all.....All the best to all here! Guy <><><><><><><><><><><<><><><><><>>><><><><><>>><>>>><><><><><><><><><