The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39538   Message #562227
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
30-Sep-01 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: How can they play that fast?
Subject: RE: How can they play that fast?
All outstanding additions and thinking on the subject. But without sitting down regularly and playing, I mean practice, one will never get to that "no thinking" stage. Albeit there are those with natural talent and I don't sweat them much. If I can't keep up I can chord faster than most can flat pick.

Trust - major biggy - but without sitting down and playing regularly one can't trust that it can be done.

I realy liked the one on pushing yourself. I've doen that and it sounds like my fingers fell down a flight of stairs. But at some point they don't fall down. At one point in my pickin I would practice with tapes of the greats - Doc, Dan Crary, and it was fun! But kids, work, and other stuff put music on the back burner. I've just started playing again for real over the past couple of weeks - after a several year layoff.

I'm just practicing my tail off - Peace Steve