The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39548   Message #563012
Posted By: Barry Finn
01-Oct-01 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: Coming to the Getaway? From Where? (2001)
Mick, try not to wake up the neighborhood when you do eventually get there. The family's not gonna make it so I'm heading from southern NH early Fri morning & heading back Mon morn. I'll be driving a small pickup with a back seat if anyone's stuck along the way.
bbc, sorry to see you won't be making it this year, maybe (hopefully) old songs next time out.
Jed, I think this time, with luck, we'll probably cross paths
Rick, say home, miss all the fun in the sun, you've probably heard all the songs anyway, from where you are you'll be able to hear people talking bout ya & probably still smell the rotten turned leaves & the smell of wood fires. Or you can come & have a great time watching some of us ruin our throats with over use & abuse & see how others can sleep walk themselves into the cabins that refuse to bed down & sing until god awfull hours of the night & you'll get to meet the Maine special our own Kendall. Hope you're able to make the smart & healthy choice. See ya all there, Barry