The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39338   Message #563329
Posted By: Troll
02-Oct-01 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: National I.D. Card
Subject: RE: National I.D. Card
Doug, I disagree with you and toadfrog. I believe that a National ID would open the door assaults on our rights as never before. Simply because other countries have Nat.ID cards and few problems, does not mean we won't. Our systems of Govt. are different as is our National "pysche" for want of a better word.
Meaning no disrespect , but I think we are a little less apt to tolerate the Govt interference that other countries seem to accept.
Since I know I'll be asked to provide an example, here it is. After some nutcase shot up a school, Parliament passed a law that placed such stringent restrictions on owning a handgun that virtually no one in Britain owns one anymore.Please DON'T get into how we should do this etc. I'm simply using it as an example. If that were tried in THIS country...well some groups have been trying to get similar legislation passed for years with little success.
Different country, different people, different problems.
