That seems to be a slightly modernised version of the text linked to in Dai's original post, which itself is very close to the set published by Henri Davenson (Le Livre des Chansons, 1955), though lacking a verse. Davenson commented:"Cette complainte célèbre les exploits, devenus vite légendaires, des corsaires français qui s'illustrèrent dans les guerres maritimes qui ont opposé la France et l'Angleterre tout au long du XVIIIme siècle."
["This ballad celebrates the exploits, which quickly became legendary, of the French Privateers who won fame during the naval wars that took place between France and England throughout the 18th century".]
I've never seen any reference to a specific naval encounter on this date, though I'm no historian and presumably the title is there for a reason. I've always considered it a French equivalent of songs like Warlike Seamen; the victorious ship is always the smaller, of course.