The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39722   Message #564693
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Oct-01 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: Help: curing/treating singer's throat problem
Subject: RE: Help: curing/treating singer's throat problem
(S'cuse me butting in....)

Sed is a *friend* of mine whose online access is sporadic... so please, everyone, don't take it personally if there's no reply from Sed for a stretch. I know that when he is able to get back online he will appreciate everyone's helpful kindness. Hopefully, that will be sooner rather than later-- but in any case Sed's a lifer and a born Mudcatter... he looked me up after I had not written for MONTHS and remembered everything we had talked about! *G* Anyway, I don't speak for Sed, but I know he'd be saying thanks for himself if he could.


(butting back out)