The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39777   Message #565632
Posted By: Fiolar
05-Oct-01 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Margaret Thatcher-any comments?
Subject: RE: BS: Margaret Thatcher-any comments?
Thatcher and her crew as most people know only endgendered total self interest and balls to everybody else. As a former member of the nursing profession, I and many of my colleagues had to apply for our jobs on at least two occasions when so-called reorganisations tore the Health Service apart. Instead of concentrating on the job at hand, ie, care of patients, many had to worry about whether they had a job. She can now go around the world as an "honoured guest" and earn thousands in fees for speaking at dinners and such like. As for the "society" aspect, I hate to think of the number of hospitals that were closed and the occupants put into "care in the community" which meant for many, walking around the streets all day and sleeping in a doorway at night. The lucky few ended up in prison where at least they had shelter and a warm meal. As for putting her in a home why the hell should the residents of the home have to put up with her?