The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39565   Message #566524
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Oct-01 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: War Strategy &Tactics: Part Two
Subject: RE: War Strategy&Tactics: Part Two
Donuel - You really ought to start hanging out with Stephen King more...I am not quite sure if you're a dark humorist or if you're losing it.

Given the possibility that the human Spirit survives physical death, and is undergoing an eternal process of raising its consciousness through improving its behaviour and understanding in successive lives, both in the physical and in spirit...then what might be the best thing to do, in that case, in any given physical life?

Given the further possibility that there are innumerable worlds upon which to incarnate, replete with possibilities of all sorts...then what?

Given the possibility that you cannot kill the other guy's soul, which is his real (though unseen) self, of what avail is it to hurl Brer Rabbit into the briar patch, when you will find yourself there presently too?

If given the choice to be an angel or a monster, why choose the monster? It's just another mask you will have to drop when it has outlived its dramatic moment and lost its practical application.

It's not death that I fear, but a life that is wasted on fear, negativity, and foolishness.

Still, I have to compliment you on the razorback hog notion...I find it hard to imagine you are serious, but Stephen King would just love it. I'm not sure what he believes in, but it's the kind of bizarre thing he would dream up.

- LH