The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39832   Message #566528
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Oct-01 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
Subject: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
Okay,'s one to grind your teeth over. People who stick an "S" on the end of a word where it absolutely does not belong...


"alls" ("Alls I did was tell him how I felt!") (Even worse if you put in an apostrophe...and make it "all's"

"We's" ("We's are goin' downtown!")

"So's" ("So's I said to him...")

"You's", "Youse"...etc. (Are youse ready to order yet?") This from people who are apparently unaware that the word "you" can mean more than one person.

"anyways" (So's, anyways, I told him all's I could, but he still wasn't happy about it. Whaddayouse think about that?")

"a long ways" ("It's a long ways to Tipperary...")

There is a veritable plague of the expression "youse" in Orillia these days, particularly among waitresses. How does something like this get started?

Does anyone have any more examples of this kind of thing?

- LH