The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39832   Message #566710
Posted By: Banjer
07-Oct-01 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
Subject: RE: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
It irritates me when otherwise educated people, in responsible positions, misuse the language. Many times in advertising for hardware products that we receive at our shop I am amzed at the copy writers that don't know the difference between a coarse thread and a course thread. A recent sign in the grocery store where my wife works told the employees to put the carts they brought in into 'Two row's of cart's only'. Is it any wonder young people can't learn proper usage and spelling when people in the public eye continue to set bad examples?

I'll never forget walking of the office of the Dean of Boys at my son's school many years ago. This educator had just said, "Your chile bees disruptly in his classes" My thought was that if my child had no better teachers that this Administrator it was time for me to become 'disruptly'. Unfortunately my complaints to our local school board fell on deaf ears. That is why Florida is ranked 48th (out of 50 states) in the quality of education.