The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39832   Message #567502
Posted By: SharonA
08-Oct-01 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
Subject: RE: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
Noreen: A myriad? I thought it was just "myriad" (a kaleidoscope displays myriad patterns). According to the dictionary I have at hand, "myriad" has several meanings: 1) "ten thousand"; and 2a) "innumerable, multitudinous", 2b) "having innumerable aspects or elements".

Now, for definition 2b, it gives this example: "the myriad activity of the new land" –Meridel Le Sueur. So I guess that "a myriad" would be proper if one is referring to something that can't be counted (such as "activity"), but is it proper in all cases (such as counting stars)?

Dicho: Again according to the dictionary I have here (Webster's New Collegiate, Springfield, Massachusetts [USA!!! Not England!], 1973), of the two words "chomp" and "champ", only "champ" is defined as "to show impatience of delay or restraint – usually used in the phrase 'champing at the bit' ". Perhaps people have been saying "chomping" for the last 150 years but that doesn't make it proper. I'm sure that people have been saying "youse" (and any number of the other grammatical misuses complained about in this thread) for longer than that.