The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39890   Message #567831
Posted By: rangeroger
08-Oct-01 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: 12-String Setup
Subject: RE: 12-String Setup
You didn't say anything about the face of the guitar. If it is starting to pull up, nothing you do to the neck is going to work.

This is where a Bridge Doctor system really shines.We've had a couple of discussions about the system, which can be found by entering Bridge Doctor into the filter for a Forum search.They really work.

If you have intonation problems after all is said and done, a compensated saddle or nut will cure those.

A good luthier should be familiar with all the tricks.

I was having intonation problems with my 12-string, which is built like a brick shit-house,but Michael Lewis of Grass Valley, Calif.carved a beautiful compensated saddle for it.
