The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39890   Message #568019
Posted By: BlueJay
09-Oct-01 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: 12-String Setup
Subject: RE: 12-String Setup
Finn- I have to agree with Spaw. I know you like yor guitar, but I have never met a Fender acoustic I like. IMO, Fender has always made fairly crappy acoustics with especially bad necks, compared to to other builders. The twelve strings I've played were all problematic, especially the necks. And I've never known anyone who owned one that hasn't had continual set-up problems. And the twelve strings magnify those problems.

I know youlike your guitar, and maybe you've gotten one of the few twelve strings Fender got right. If so, it is possible that a total set up including neck adjust, saddle and nut adjustment may may help the guitar at a reasonable cost. Take it to a good luthier. If it turns out you need a neck reset, consider the cost of repairing it versus buying a new guitar.

I've seen some classic old Guilds on Ebay, for under a grand, which I've salivated over, and will totally blow away anything Fender ever made, both tonally and structurally. Thanks, BlueJay