The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39718   Message #568282
Posted By: GUEST,Dustin K. Dykes (Gee Haw'd)
09-Oct-01 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Hey, Mr. Taliban, give us up Bin Laden
Subject: RE: Hey, Mr. Taliban, give us up Bin Laden
Just received the link to the Mudcat thread and, as the parody author of Talibanjo Gee-Haw'd (, decided to give everyone a background on the song.

I happened to be watching the tube when the events of September 11th began. At the time I was enjoying my fourth month of vacation/unemployment. This condition, though, permitted me to watch CNN 24/7 – not a healthy situation. I am a former New Yorker and had a close friend working in One World Trade Center – he survived. Anyway, I desperately needed a distraction. I am normally a very cheerful person and yet when I undertook this project I hadn't laughed in days. Things had to change.

Unlike most posters on this board, I have little-to-no musical talent – you could ask Jed, but he's to nice a guy to agree ;-) I do enjoy writing silly songs, though. I'm not necessarily good at it, but I do enjoy it. I've never before shared one of them with the public, but desperate times call for desperate measures. People everywhere were stepping forward and contributing in any way they could. However pathetic it may sound, this is the best I could do.

In response to KingBrilliant, my intent was desensitization in the way that any form of entertainment dulls the ache of everyday life. Music, humor, fantasy…we all have a need for escapism. My need was at its greatest level since serving in the Gulf War. This time, though, I had to create my own distraction.

I would like to thank Jed Marum and Eammon's Kitchen for indulging me and breathing life into this creation. As I mentioned, I have a dearth of musical talent of my own.

Finally, this song served its intended purpose – it cheered me up. If it helped others than I am overjoyed. If it offended more, I'm sorry it wasn't meant to. My greatest fear wasn't rejection, though, it was putting my name to a creation that could threaten the safety of my family. I honestly thought about posting it anonymously, but how could I after calling Bin Laden and his supporters cowards? While I do fear that this might place my family in some form of jeopardy – remember Salman Rushdie – I fear more for those Americans of Middle Eastern decent who are now subject to the intensified ignorance of their fellow citizens. My greatest sense of loss, though, is for the civil liberties that we will inevitably lose in the name of public safety. Political Note: If honest citizens hadn't been disarmed in the first place, the hijackings would have never been successful. The purpose of this is, of course, to completely strip citizens of the power to defend themselves so that they must rely upon the government for protection thus enlarging the role the government plays and increasing its power. I fly twice a week and the security is ridiculous. The "bad guys" will always take risks while honest folks will continue to die for their obedience. It may sound trivial, but now the FAA has announced that only one carry on will be allowed. I have a laptop for business and a Taylor Baby for enjoyment. I won't check either. So now I'll have to forgo the pleasure of my instrument. And will I be any safer? No! But the bureaucrats who issue such edicts won't be inconvenienced as they don't fly commercial and aren't subject to their own rules. If you really want to be forces of change may I recommend joining the Libertarian Party ( As they stated in a recent announcement; "If you want to stop terrorists, stop arming them." It is nearly always American weapons being used to kill American troops.

Sorry about the length of the post. Just felt a need to clarify – and rant a bit :-)

