The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39832   Message #568612
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
09-Oct-01 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
Subject: RE: BS: Improper letter S endings! Arghhh!
AliUK. True, a number of words are pronounced differently in the USA and Canada. We often accuse French-Canadians of saying "wader" for water, and these comes out "dese," but you are right, T IS less distinct overall among the general public. Another noticable difference is in words like Military, pronounced with two strong syllables in American (mil' i tar' y) while the English (at least on BBC) put greatest emphasis on the first syllable and rush over the "tar" part of the word. I think someone has already mentioned American fu'tul and English (and Canadian) fu-tile. And of course my mother's sister is an ant, the u lost. Why don't the English say shool for school if they say shedule rather than skedule? I once had an English-born teacher for freshman (1st year Univ.) Mod. Lit. in Texas; he became quite frustrated when we would read passages from one of the English writers. Army is vs. army are, etc., etc.