The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39964   Message #569044
Posted By: GUEST,Judy Mainord Malone
10-Oct-01 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Standing on deck eating goobers by peck
Subject: Standing on deck eating goobers by peck
Hi all. You guys have helped before finding obscure little ditties. Now, my NY friend has challenged me to find the words to a little ditty that she heard back in Upstate NY in early 50's from her grandmother. All she can remember is that a line or two went something like this:

He stood on the deck,
eating goobers by the peck.
When asked why he did't go?
He said, it's cause I love them goobers so.

Well, I know that isn't much to go on, but if anyone has any clue, give a holler! Thanks, Judy "Sonny" Mainord-Malone