Yeah great......More friggin' Canucks.......Among others there are Steve Latimer, Rick Fielding, Little John Cameron, Peter T. (who has a heron he dresses up like Waylon Jennings), Sophoclese, Metchosin, Clinton Hammond, ddw, Musicman, Lyrical Lady, Hesperis, Little Hawk, Gnu, Flattop, Mooh, Tony Burns, George, Balladeer, Crowhugger and Mom, Willie-O, Marion, and about two dozen others at least. We got so many Canadians here you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one, if that's your idea of a good time........and being Canadian, it probably is.In ant case, welcome to the 'Cat. Here you will find many intelligent, knowledgeable, talented, erudite, friendly, and compassionate people, I am none of the above, but try to believe me, there are some around. If you have anything you need to know or need to ask after reading the FAQ, ask somebody else, and if you have any ideas or opinions, please keep them to yourself.