The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39963 Message #569473
Posted By: VoxFox
10-Oct-01 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: Hello I am a NEWBIE
Subject: RE: Hello I am a NEWBIE
Hello again. Just came back on line and saw all the postings of welcome. For kat - Yes, NB means New Brunswick, (sorry spaw, another canuck i'm afraid). Alice - Iread the entire thread about Spencil Hill and it blew me away. The words just sent me in a spin. I am really new to the computer so I don't know a lot about listening to tunes etc. but I am learning and hope to master this soon so I can really appreciate all the tunes that are posted and the ones in the DT. DougR - I will raise a glass to,and for, you. I am enjoying the madness more and more. VF