The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39910   Message #570520
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Oct-01 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: A Feminist Approach to Terrorism
Subject: RE: A Feminist Approach to Terrorism
Amos, communication with one's husband is not the easiest nor the most desireable thing in this kind of situation, quite often. If the husband is a member of the Taliban or someone who is following thier line out of fear, he's not going to give his wife the time of day, let alond discuss whether she should decide whether they have sex or not.

This is a dark ages society, for now. Women are chattel, even married women; the oppression is complete, severe and deadly. Body parts are cut off as a common punishment.

No, of course not all citizens of Afghanistan are so, but the Taliban is in charge and even men who have defied their rulings concerning women have been murdered and mutilated.

Please visit the RAWA site and some of the others, read the women's stories, etc. A woman making any kind of sound with her shoes, while walking, is inflaming a man's sexuality and can be killed for doing so. Tis is an extreme and terrifying place to live right now and I think you are being naive to think that the women hold any kind of key, at this point, to change. Perhaps the women who've escaped to Pakistan might be able to bring about changes with help, but they would have to be the ones to help their sisters and I don't see them doing it through a whisper campaign, at this point.
