The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25469   Message #570753
Posted By: Frailin Gill
12-Oct-01 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: O Brother, Where Art Thou
Subject: RE: O Brother, Where Art Thou
Thanks for refreshing this thread as I have only just seen it. I'm not a great cinema goer and discovered this film by accident when the kids rented out the video. I went to heaven and back, being a big fan of old time music in a place where its difficult to get your hands or ears on any. I missed most of the action as I was so busy listening to the music,singing along and spotting the singers and it took me three watches to really see the film. I couldn't get hold of the soundtrack so bought the video instead and now the kids are sick to death of it. Its helping me convert my friends to old-timey, though, much more than me and my banjo ever did.