The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39887   Message #570906
Posted By: cyder_drinker
12-Oct-01 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: Jokes in worst possible taste
Subject: RE: Jokes in worst possible taste
An American fighter pilot was flying his F18 aircraft over Afghanistan, when he noticed a flying carpet on his left hand side, manned by a man with a machine gun. He looked to his right and saw another carpet alongside, also manned by a man with a machine gun. He thought "I've got to get out of this", so he accelerated flat out and put his plane into a high speed loop and came up behind both carpets, which he shot down. On arriving back at his aircraft carrier, he was told to report to the Captain immediately. 'You idiot !' said the captain. 'We saw what you did on our radar and now we're in a load of trouble'. 'What do you mean?' said the pilot, 'I shot both carpets down!' 'I know that!' said the captain, 'they were Allied Carpets!'