The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40059 Message #571143
Posted By: Jeanie
13-Oct-01 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: colours by donovan
Subject: RE: colours by donovan
What about "Jennifer Juniper" ? That was always my favourite. A schoolfriend and I went to one of those recording booths they used to have at railway stations to make a record of our highly scurrilous spoof "cover" version, "Jonathon Juniper", calling ourselves "Violet Val and Japonica Jean". I made a purple and pink psychedelic sleeve for this masterpiece - which I still have, sadly nothing to play it on any more. I would post the lyrics on Mudcat, but dare not for fear of legal reprisals. Really. Such is the mind of your average teenage girl .. and I expect said Jonathon thought we were so sweet. What year was that ? I reckon 1967 ? I confess to having worn a home-made crocheted "Donovan cap". He was my hero and the main reason I first struggled to play guitar (and still struggling).