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Thread #40035   Message #571206
Posted By: SlowAlan
13-Oct-01 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
All of the speeches of Bush, Blair and Australia's goofy drongo PM Howard have sounded both wrong and antiquated. Each of their "tough talking" speeches has, to my eyes, cloaked incompetence and insecurity. Their ridiculous response to the horrific terrorist actions is to start their own terror!

These political gimps have got to realise that plenty of us have evolved beyond the chimpanzee, and we prefer to solve crises by spiritual means..and a bit of "lateral thinking" Has anyone in America actually asked themseves why they are so hated, and what behaviour they should change in order to rectify this situation?

That would be the best start to the situation. Fighting faceless terror with faceless terror in the hope of attaining peace is (as we used to say in the Anti Vietnam War movement.."like fucking for chastity").

The second thing they should do is to show, by a huge convocation of mullahs, perhaps even buddhists and christian religious leaders, that although America's foreign policy in the Middle East has been arrogant and "evil", to respond in the way of terror against monotheist civilians, especially by suicide, is an abomination in Islam, without Koranic justification, and that the Mullahs who teach this route are wrong, in grievous theological error. This is the correct spiritual approach..first, look for one's own errors, then look for the similarities, not the differences.Everyone makes mistakes, America makes plenty, and Ossama and the terrorist boys have made a very big one indeed. But, remember to put it in perspective, in most weeks in Iraq, five thousand people, mainly women and children are said to die of starvation and disease as a direct result of the western allies foreign policy of blockade.

They must stop the bombing immediately, and pull back all troops, and apologise..then bore them to death with theological argument.That is what would completely pull the rug out from under the terrorists.