The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40035   Message #571364
Posted By: Donuel
13-Oct-01 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
When the nicest things said about Bush by the intelligensia in DC is that he is coming along fine or that he has crossed from boyhood to a man before our eyes, I see someone inferior to the position.

That being said let us hear from the alternate universe where the Supreme Court selected Gore for president.

"Heelloo II'm Al Goore. In response to today's merciless attack of monstrous proportions, one which will live in infamy until the end of time, we will be assembling an international and acumenical grand jury tribunal with justices from of every faith and nationality. We will deliver intelligence and informatioon from every agency worldwide and prosecute the criminals responsible. When the indictments are handed down we will then grind them to dust with every conceivable weapon known to man." - sometime during my second term..."