The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40049   Message #571977
Posted By: Firecat
14-Oct-01 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD ;-)
Subject: RE: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD ;-)
OK, here goes.

Age: 17 (18 in January)


Favourite colour:Midnight blue

Favourite books/authors: LJ Smith Night Worlds/ Jean Estoril Drina series/ Sweet Valley High/ Chalet School

What books have you really been wanting: The first three Blue Peter books or the four latest Night Worlds (i've not been able to find them but I know they're out cos they were in the school library)

What type of music do you like: Pop, rock (eg Limp Bizkit), rap (Eminem!), folk, goth (eg Marilyn Manson), classical (Tchaikovsky Swan Lake is gorgeous!)

What CDs have you really been wanting: Eminem and Limp Bizkit album, or a folk/dance cross that I heard in JeZeBeL's car last time she gave me a lift to the Maltings!

What movies have you been wanting: CARRY ONS!!!!!!!

What is your Tshirt size: Small to medium

Do you collect anything? If so, what: Butterflies, crystals, porcelain dolls

What are some of your other hobbies: Singing, dancing, daydreaming, listening to music, reading, sleeping, playing computer games, going down the gym, etc., etc., etc!

Do you prefer gold or silver type jewellery: Silver. I don't really wear gold

Please include anything else you feel is important to help your Secret Santa know what you would like: I'm a student! I'm also a bit spaced out and I'm always getting told off for daydreaming in class. Mind you, I'm single as well, so ...