The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39887   Message #572018
Posted By: Max Tone
14-Oct-01 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: Jokes in worst possible taste
Subject: RE: Jokes in worst possible taste
Stormer, Gargoyle,
Laughed, I nearly sh*t.

Now in all seriousness here, in this time of crisis and destruction, there's a few things we gotta remember:-

1/In historical and genealogical terms, many sons, upon 'inheriting' the reigns of power/landholdings, see fit to complete "A job my Daddy never finished"

2/ All World Leaders need to take a 'crash course' in the roots of Global Terrorism.

3/ The roots/symptoms of this discontent never appear 'out of thin air'......

4/ The 'Lea(r)ning' curve's a steep one - a downward angle of incidence of c. 15 degrees, I'd say, with 25 deg. tilt.......just now
......But it could be exponential........upwards.

Us e-mail been laden with a great pic of a fully armed and bearded "Tali-Tubby". Post yer e-mails on my message board, if ye wanna copy.

Best practical joke I can think of for the west to orchestrate, is to spread advance propaganda of a huge bombing raid in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other antagonised disaster areas, bring the fear to fever pitch,................ then drop nothing but food, aid, and medicine!! (And REAL quantities, not just media-feeding amounts!)-- and with NO economic, or any other, strings attached.
