The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39874   Message #572135
Posted By: masato sakurai
14-Oct-01 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Is 'Cruel War' traditional?
Subject: RE: Help: Is 'Cruel War' traditional?
The Peggy Seeger version of "The Cruel War Is Raging" is also in Folk Songs of Peggy Seeger (Oak, 1964, p. 19). No mention of the source. It includes this as verse 4:

Your waist is too slender, your fingers are too small,
Your face is too slender to face the cannonball;
Your face is too slender, it grieves my heart so,
O, let me go with you: no, my love, no.

"The Cruel War Is Raging" sung by Charles Ingernthron, Walnut Shade, Mo., Sept. 7, 1940, is in ANGLO-AMERICAN SONGS AND BALLADS (AFS L 20), recorded in various parts of U.S. by several collectors, 1938-46. Edited by Duncan Emrich (CLICK HERE). It is transcribed with music in Vance Randolph, Ozark Folksongs, edited & abridged by Norm Cohen (University of Illinois Press, 1982, pp. 94-95), the title being "Johnny Must Fight".
