The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39859   Message #572531
Posted By: Amos
15-Oct-01 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: War Strategy&Tactics: Part Three
Subject: RE: War Strategy&Tactics: Part Three
Here's an interesting piece on the obsolescence of US PsyOps equipment, using broadcast and leaflets approaches that have been in place since WWII and the Desert Storm op.

WhatI think we ought to do is use Barney technology -- blended with the little robot dogs now being exported from Japan. We should flood the skiesd of Afghanistan with little soft furry camels or rabbits who robotically hop around and sidle up to humans and tell them how Bush is really just against terrorists not Afghans, and other important bits.

We could probably deploy a million of them for the price of one of the Psyops planes they are buying. Little parachuted furry animabots who speak Arabic. "Sala'a'm aleikum!! L'a bes'alik?!! I'm Sinbad the Camel!! Can I be Your Friend?" Kind of a mix between Mister Rogers, a used car salesman, and advanced robotics. IF it didn't win them over, it would probably scare 'em worse than the bunkerbusters, anyway!

You saw it here first!! LOL!!
