The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40035   Message #572656
Posted By: LoopySanchez
15-Oct-01 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
I guess George needs to:
-Sell some nuclear technology to China,
-Sell some pardons to world class criminals,
-Go eight years without an energy policy,
-Sneak in exective orders at the last possible minute to make the next administration look bad (reducing already safe arsenic levels by 400%, so that the new guy has to repeal them to keep everyones' water bills from skyrocketing)
-Barbecue a few children at a cult compound
-Engage in a little quid pro quo sexual harassment (Blow jobs in exchange for Avon jobs),
-Engineer the largest tax increase in U.S. history,
-Cut the military by a third while sending them on more peacekeeping missions than any president in history,
-Send some storm troopers into homes to aim assault weapons at six year old Cuban refugees...

and Laura needs to: -Form an illegal, unelected 500 member committee to try to socialize medicine,
-Make $100,000 on a $1K cattle futures investment pool,
-Dig up 900 Republican's FBI files, then deny doing it despite the presence of her fingerprints on the files,
-Declare to the media that "We are the President"...

It would probably help if some of their lawyers and cabinet officials died under mysterious circumstances, too.

I figure that all this must be done before this presidency will ever be considered legitimate by any liberal... Is that what it comes down to? A simple yes/no answer will suffice. Go ahead and call me reactionary, but know that the "reaction" is to those who can't give Bush one iota of credit for doing anything right. "A dead fish could lead the nation with full support right now"... "He didn't pee on his feet, yay!"..."He's still a doofus"...
I honestly thank God every night that the Doofus (and Condoleza Rice, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, etc.) are in charge right now instead of Al Gore & Co.

You may now begin your unfounded personal attacks on my inteligence, character, and sources for facts presented.